A collection of past newsletters.
Newsletter: The Horn
Click on the volume number/date to view.
Announcing several shows featuring my still life paintings, a sneak peak at my first "5 Senses Art Project" painting based on responses from Texas and more!
A revamped design, announcing becoming Co-Chair of the NM State Committee of the National Museum of Women in Arts, a reveal of my self-portrait and announcing my latest idea, "The 5 Senses Art Project".
A new painting finished and a self portrait started, plus a hibernation notice - the next newsletter will be Feb 2025. Featured artist: Meredith Britt from Las Vegas, NM.
Two features and "Rattlesnakes" come home! Plus fun Halloween and fall stuff! Featured artist: Wendy Stein from Santa Fe, NM.
One week left to see the "Rattlesnake" show and one month left to see the NM Painter's Exhibit at NMHU! Plus a new still life painting has begun. Featured artist: Jason Franz from Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Rattlesnake" show opening on Sept 7th plus the NM Painter's Exhibit at NMHU opens Sept 15th and my 6' x 60' mural is complete! Featured artist: Aerial Greenwood from Wagon Mound, NM.
Art show round up including the Las Vegas Arts Council "Local Color 2", and “Women Artist Making Their Mark” at the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts in Mill Valley CA and MORE! Featured artist: Judy Chicago from Belen, NM.
Announcing the dates for my solo show "Rattlesnakes" showcasing resilient women born and raised in NE New Mexico! Featured artist: Eleanor (Ely) Kish specializing in paleoart.
My 12th "Rattlesnake", updates on the next symbolism painting and the mural! Featured artist: Nikesha Breeze from Taos, NM.
NEW "Rattlesnakes", a recap of my trip to Washington, DC and more! Featured artist: Tracy King from Santa Fe, NM.
Lots of events on the horizon including announcing a solo show this fall at a local art gallery! Featured artist: Wovoka Trudell from Gallery One Six Six in Las Vegas, NM.
My 10th "Rattlesnake" portrait is finished and I have several fun things going on with young artists! Featured artist: Jessica Pisano from Martha's Vineyard, MA.
In this edition there is a lot of "Rattlesnake" news and I'm starting a new symbolism painting! Guest artist: Polish born artist from the 1920's Tamara de Lempicka aka "The Baroness with the Brush".
Happy New Year! Starting the year off with an art review, new Rattlesnake portrait, and more! Guest artist: Denise Fox an all-around creative soul with a great sense of humor.
Holiday wishes and good news on a newspaper article, a new Rattlesnake portrait, and the start to a new still life! Guest artist: Robbie Firestone, a multi-disciplined artist and entrepreneur.
Volume 21
November 1, 2023
An Albuquerque art show, a new painting completed and a new "Rattlesnake" portrait begun! Guest artist: deceased Meow Wolf co-creator Matt King as seen through his exhibit at [CONTAINER] gallery.
Volume 20
September 30, 2023
Tons o' fun stuff for the fall including 2 paintings in a PSNM in Albuquerque and I joined the NMC board! Guest photographer from Las Vegas, NM, Makani.
Shows! Shows! And more Shows! Plus two paintings completed and more! Guest artist from Albuquerque, NM Susan E. Roden.
Double "trouble"announcing two paintings accepted into 2 different shows! Guest artist from Silverton, CO, Thomas Livingstone.
Volume 17
July 10, 2023
I'm back in the studio after taking 5 weeks to travel Southern Colorado in our RV. Guest artist from Silverton, CO, Eileen E. Fjerstad.
Lots to "toot" about for May: a complex still life completed, a painting sold, and more! Guest artist from Sweden, Stina Folkebrant.
April was a busy month with a studio tour, presentations, field trips and more! Guest artist Scott Vail.
Volume 14
April 1, 2023
NMHU art show, something completely different, and two new paintings started! Guest artist Julie Sola / Fat Crow Press.
Two new paintings completed and several fun events are on the horizon! Guest artist Carrie Mariko Williams.
Art show success and a new portrait started, 2023 is off to a good start! Guest artist Bernadette Maldonado.
Gallery openings and sketching safaris and a 2022 wrap, oh my! Guest artist Gary Morton.
Announcing three paintings featured in the Aurelia Gallery holiday show on Canyon Road in Santa Fe! Guest artist Duke Sundt.
Take a look at my busiest month yet with in person studio tours, field trips, and finishing two paintings. Guest artist Nancy Camacho.
Featuring my latest "Rattlesnakes" portraits and announcing I applied for an Artist in Residency program. Guest artist Mario Quilles.
Details about the 30th Annual National Pastel Painting Exhibition in Taos and announcing my latest idea on a solo show titled "Rattlesnakes". Guest artist Dawne Holmes.
Announcing my painting "Mental Health" was selected for the juried 30th Annual National Pastel Painting Exhibition in Taos, NM. Guest artist Elaine Querry.
Attending the International Association of Pastel Society's annual pastel convention in Albuquerque, NM and hosting an artists' soiree! Guest artist Kimberly Reed-Deemer.
Surviving a wildfire and announcing my painting “Saint Dre” was selected for the juried Las Vegas Arts Council’s June Benefit Show. It opened May 27th and was well attended. In fact, many artworks sold in the first hour of the opening! Guest artist Jane Fritz.
Excited to give zoom studio tours complete with a slideshow of 8 paintings which is about 2 minutes long and doesn’t have a soundtrack so turn up whatever you are listening to and enjoy! Guest artist Beth Urech.
Main announcement is that seven of my paintings are now for sale at The Corner Art Gallery located on the historic Las Vegas Plaza right next to the famous Plaza Hotel. Guest artist Alex Allington.
My first newsletter and it announced that my soft pastel painting "Menopause" was selected for display in the juried 24th Annual MasterWorks of New Mexico Art Show. Guest artist Ellen Koment.