The Fool Head – NFS

"The Fool Head"
Soft Pastel on Sennelier pastel board
Framed, 13" x 16"
NFS/Personal Collection
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"The Fool Head" was accepted in the juried group show titled “Wonderment” at the Los Alamos Art Council’s Fuller Lodge Art Center in Los Alamos, NM in 2023.
And it was selected for the juried 2023 New Mexico Painter's Exhibition at New Mexico Highlands University's Kennedy Gallery.
This painting is a love letter to my heart and was inspired by two things, first this quote from 1600's French writer Francois de La Rochefoucauld:
"The heart is forever making the head its fool."
And secondly from my love and appreciate for my own heart.
In June of 2021 I had an SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) episode where my heart raced at 189 bpm for 9 hours. It had to be restarted via drugs and over the past months I have learned a lot about this condition, my own heart, and the role our hearts play in our emotional health.
Broadly speaking, our society values the attributes associated with our heads--logic, decisiveness, and thought. We often forget to listen to or value the attributes associated with our hearts--emotions, connections to others, and vulnerability.
We tend to live in our heads, I certainly do, but our heart and body are equally important and if we don't pay attention to them they will eventually SHOUT at us in a myriad of ways. Mine manifested with an episode of SVT. I'm grateful I listened and am making different choices every day to honor my heart and get out of my head.