[BLOG POST 11/25/24] Last night I attended a lovely gathering of NM Women in the Arts board members. It was an informal soiree and conversation flowed freely. As we prepare for Thanksgiving and family gatherings I thought I'd share a couple of questions from last night to ask around the dinner table.
One question being asked was, "What is your experience - what happens physically and emotionally -when you see an artwork that stops you in your tracks?"
If you have read previous posts you know this is an interest of mine and in fact I was the person who started asking the question last night. Mostly I was interested in hearing from non-artists because it's a little bit of a mystery to me why someone who is not an artist is drawn to art. Her answer was interesting and I wanted to share it with you.
As it turns out the type of artwork that speaks to this person is photography. She explained (and I'm paraphrasing here) it by saying each of us feels alone and we each have our own experience and point of view. But a photograph captures one person't view and it can be shared with someone else which temporarily removes that sense of being alone. In other words, it brings people together.
I like that!
What would your answer be dear reader?
Another thoughtful question to ask at the dinner is to go around the table and ask each person what feminism means to them.
Actually, maybe hold off on doing that this Thanksgiving unless you are ready for some heated discussions!
Anyway, I actually did ask that question at a family reunion and the answers surprised me. Although feminism has had so many "waves" that I really should not have been surprised. According to wikipedia:
The first wave of feminism comprised women's suffrage movements of the 19th and early-20th centuries, promoting women's right to vote. The second wave, the women's liberation movement, began in the 1960s and campaigned for legal and social equality for women. In or around 1992, a third wave was identified, characterized by a focus on individuality and diversity. Additionally, some have argued for the existence of a fourth wave starting around 2012, which used social media to combat sexual harassment, violence against women and rape culture; it is best known for the Me Too movement.
That day as people took turns answering the question the comment that surprised me the most was my mother's. Rather tersely she said "A feminist thinks that women are better than men." I asked if she would consider any other definition and she said resolutely, "NO".
At the time I didn't think to follow up on how she feels about women voting. She voted in every election I can remember - and usually not in alignment with how my dad voted - so I'm fairly certain she believed that women should be able to vote their own minds.
So I guess in her opinion women are less than men but still good enough to vote.
You can see it is an interesting and revealing question to ask!
Whatever you talk about around the Thanksgiving table this holiday I hope it leaves a smile on everyone's faces.
So maybe stick to the art questions. 😊