"Open & Flow"

"Open & Flow"
12" x 16"
Soft Pastel on Sennelier pastel board
$3,000 + taxes and s/h
Buy the ORIGINAL PAINTING or a PRINT on the SHOP page!
This painting initially was inspired by taking a look at my limiting beliefs around money. Like many people how I was raised influences how I think and talk about money. Additionally society tends to tell stories about men who are financially successful and about women who are not. So I wanted to break free from my childhood beliefs and show how being financially stable is a feminine trait.
Hence the color choices: gold for gold and green for the US Dollar. The open lock represents letting go of old patterns/thoughts/beliefs.
And I wanted it to look fluid because so much of our money language is based on water: cash flow, liquidity, currency (current + sea), underwater, capital leak, etc. And money often behaves like water for example it goes up and down and exists in different forms (water = liquid, solid, gas / money = coins/paper/digital).
However as I painted the painting took on a broader scope, after all money is linked to our emotions. Time magazine's July 25th, 2023 article "Why Stock Prices Mirror our Mood" states: "What we buy and sell every day has everything to do with how we feel and the stories we tell. Stock prices are a real-time barometer of investor sentiment.
And as Warren Buffet said, "Remember that the stock market is a manic depressive."
So this painting ended up reflecting my feelings on how important I find it is to face my emotions, let go of the fear, and embrace the flow of life.
And for yet another take on the link between water, money, and our bodies check out this song: Current$ea by Toni Jones: