"Motherhood" – SOLD

Last year I had a phone call with my oldest friend--we met in grade school. Since then my friend has lived an adventurous life full of travel, found impressive success in her career, and been finically solid. During that phone call we talked about a lot of things but spent a fair amount of time talking about what she considers to be her greatest accomplishment: her role as a mother to a brilliant college-aged daughter.
Together we brainstormed an idea for a painting to celebrate motherhood.
Months later she sent me this legacy quilt that her great grandmother made back in the 1940s after she lost her son in the Battle of the Bulge. Wrestling with depression she turned to his clothes and decided to make a quilt. The process of creating this quilt helped heal her broken heart.
Over the years this quilt has been handed down and eventually ended up in the hands of my dear friend. It was the perfect item to wrap around a mug hand selected by my friend and her daughter. The two of them often enjoy a nice cup of tea together.
Moms like to wrap their children in love and in this painting the quilt wraps around this special mug in a celebration of my friend's desire to protect and nurture her daughter.
Soft Pastel on Sennelier pastel board
Unframed 9" x 12"