Hail the Egg

This painting started out as a celebration of the nutritional value of eggs. Over the past year I've been working with a phenomenal nutritionist, Dr. Emily Franklin, and not only completely changed how I eat but also completely changed how I understand nutrition and the human body.
I wanted to do a painting to celebrate my health journey and was searching for an idea. That's when I asked Dr. Emily what is the "perfect" food was and she said "the egg!" without any hesitation.
It took several attempts to find an interesting way to elevate the humble egg but eventually I hit upon this composition. As I painted it I began to realize that this painting has other important connotations in light of the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn of Roe v. Wade.
Specifically, the feather backdrop reminds me of the feathered showgirl costume which has an interesting backstory. According to Dr. Emily Brayshaw, it all started in France back in 1917 with Gaby Deslys' show Laissez-les tombe! (Let Them Fall). In the show the dancers wore iconic red, white and blue feathered outfits, many of which had been recycled from leftover costumes and fabrics from previous shows. These costumes became icons of modernism and their aesthetic has prevailed for more than 100 years.
In my painting the feathers are sill an icon of modernism as well as a symbol feminine energy. The egg symbolizes the essence of life, the curvy pedestal is reminiscent of the female form, the forks represent choice (a fork in the road), and the knives symbolize liberation while the green backdrop symbolizes new beginnings. I am holding hope for a future that honors women and respects their choices.
"Hail the Egg"
Soft Pastel on Sennelier pastel board
Framed, 17" x 20"
$2,000 + taxes and s/h
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"Hail the Egg" was selected for the juried 2023 New Mexico Painter's Exhibition at New Mexico Highlands University's Kennedy Gallery.