Better Together

"Better Together"
Soft Pastel on Sennelier pastel board
Framed, 16" x 20"
$3,000 + taxes and s/h
Buy the ORIGINAL PAINTING or a PRINT on the SHOP page!
Selected for exhibition in the "Trans-for-ma-tion / Creative Responses to the 2022 Hermit's Peak / Calf Canyon Fires" exhibit at NMHU's Burris Hall in the spring of 2023
Accepted into the intimate online exhibition
"Everything's Coming Up Roses" by Pretty Girls Making Cool Shit.
The Virtual Gallery available August 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023:
Selected for the Pastel Society of America's PSA Member Pastel Still Life Showcase Oct 18, 2024
Recently my community faced the largest wildfire in New Mexico's history, the Calf Canyon / Hermit's Peak Fire. As of June 17th, 2022 it has burned over 340,000 acres. In late May the fire was threatening the town I live in and there were a few days where it felt like the world was ending with the sky choked with smoke, the sun a hazy red ball, and a sense of lawlessness in town. Thankfully town was NOT burned although a lot of land around it did and many locals lost legacy ranchitas.
Perhaps the best thing that came from the fire was seeing how this community of Hispanics, Native Americans, Anglos and more pulled together to help one another through this disaster. The ramifications will be felt for years to come but in the middle of the crisis people helped each other and that's what inspired this painting.
The rope symbolizes the Hispanic ranching culture, the blanket and turquoise necklace symbolize the Native American peoples, the roses symbolize Spain, the white bust represents Anglos, and the blue background represents nature and the New Mexican skies. I believe that together we can make something special.
Selected for exhibition in the "Trans-for-ma-tion / Creative Responses to the 2022 Hermit's Peak / Calf Canyon Fires" exhibit at NMHU's Burris Hall in the Spring of 2023.
Accepted into the intimate online exhibition "Everything's Coming Up Roses" by Pretty Girls Making Cool Shit. The Virtual Gallery available August 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023: